Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Well, I'm back!!

Hello There (that's you),
Welcome back to me, Bev. Surprise, surprise, surprise! It is to me as it is to you. Didn't think I would follow through with this so early(?) into writing this thing called a BLOG, but here I am. Just wondered if anyone would look at it at this late into the game, as so many of my friends have posted their life stories and incidencts on their blog for months and some years. Guess I could say I am courious enough to see if anyone would read this or even think of reading it.
Well, a lot has occured since last year. Had a few items done to my foot which has put me into the second year of a sore foot. The first year was laughable many times, but htis time, it has been a huge nucience and I am thoroughly tired of it all. BUT, life moves on and I should accomodate time and move with it.
Have a couple plans coming up for the year. I was going to a family reunion, but my sister wasn't well enough to go, so as I didn't want to really go, I am not going. Instead, I am headed to Washington and will be gone for nearly 2 1/2 weeks. I get so homesick for water, bodies of water, or rivers, not trickly water, but flowing water. Am eager to ride a ferry again and can hardly wait to walk on the ferry with a group of friends. Monday night in FHE, Dick said that he had gone to Rampart Reservoir and my "wanter" became HUGE to see a "large" body of water, which holds fish. I'm thinking about picking up the sport of fishing. Love to eat fish. We'll see.
Today, Carla and I went to Rampart Reservoir. What a ride we had.
The road was worse than a wash board (it was a dirt road), so we travelled a high speeds of 15 to 20 mph. Now, because I have an older car and I want it to last for another 10 to 15 years, I drove with a very soft foot, not the lead foot, I sometimes normally drive. I even surprised myself. Even though, I was so anxious to see water, I had to control my patience to get there. Cost $2.50 to get into the National Forest. I kept thinking, "Hurry, hurry, give me the change, I want to get there". And would you believe it, a block or so up the road, we hit a paved road. Almost smooth riding. Couldn't understand why after miles of washboard riding, but then remembered, it is a National Park, meaning, a US Gov't road, not a county road. Off we went with my heart thummping a bit faster in anticipation to see WATER. Finally......... there IT was WATER-R-R. Wasn't QUITE what I was looking to see. Even though Colorado has had MUCH rain this year, the reservoir was pretty empty. But .. . .. the sight of something bigger than a puddle gave me courage to continue in life, knowing that I will in little more than 34 days will be on the road again to see beautiful Skagit Valley and the Puget Sound, where, even though it is salt water, I will be able to plunge my swollen toe into the paradise of cold water. I will be able to sit in the car, or walk up to the edge of a fast flowing river and imagine from where and to where will the water flow meeting with the
beginning of the great Pacific Ocean.
A curious and suprising revelation came when we left the Park and saw a sign indicating that Colorado Springs, to the left, was 17 miles, which would take us maybe 30 or so minutes to get there. Of course that depended upon the condition of the road. To take the right, Colorado Springs would take us nearly an hour. We took the right because we wanted to stop in Woodland Park to have a Mexican lunch. Next time I will take the left to see where the road enters Colorado Springs.
A beautiful sunny day it was today, with temperature up into the mid 80s. Just plain HOT. But I have realized that being in Colorado, I really don't miss all the rain that hits Washington. I really don't miss it at all. Good Night.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Funtime in the computer room

Okay................... I'm finally putting something on this blog, whether I like it or not. I've been looking at my brand new monitor, of which I was able to get on sale, and what do I see? The Total Lunar Eclipse picture taken in Bozeman, Montana. Well, that is SUPPOSE to be the background. But what I see really see are all those desktop icons. They take up most of the space and I can hardly see the eclipse.
More than half of those things I don't use and I'm afraid to put them somewhere else in case I delete them entirely. Oh, the wonder of the computer. I have somewhat of an understanding of what to do with it, but when I REALLY have problems, I call Dave, our son, who is a whiz with the thing. There for a while I was calling him at least once a week, hoping he would be able to get me out of the mess. "Mom, I have never known anyone who has as much trouble as you do with the computer." But isn't it nice to talk to your mother? Then I have a good friend, Cathy, who is another whiz. She has helped me and others to become better acquainted with the workings of this great invention. If it wasn't for these people helping the common people, I would probably just send email, work with genealogy, and play games. But even though I have geniuses helping with this thing, I am still afraid to push buttons I know nothing about. So, as a result, I have so many pictures on my new monitor, I have a hard time fuguring out what to push and not to push. Then again, I find the delete button facinating and at the same time leary to use it. Pretty soon the little pictures will eclipes the whole monitor and won't even see Montana with the silos, the mountains, and the lights surrounding Bozeman. Such is life. Until next time, I remain dazed, confused at times, and forgetful of what has been taught me. If it isn't written down, think what I have missed. Bye for now.
Hope you have a wonderful time using one of the greatest inventions God has helped mankind to bring forth for the progress of man.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I'M Back !!!!!

Thought I would tell you a short story before I forget it (and that is pretty easy)!
As many people know I am a Conservative person ready to get rid of these elections. They have been a bore for such a long time, but one of the candidates I abhore. He came into my eye sight years ago when he ran for Senator from Chicago. I KNEW he was bad news then and I haven't changed my mind one iota. Just to think of saying his name turnes my stomach.
As you may or may not know I have living in my basement, two Latter-day Missionaries (but for the past several weeks I have had anywhere from two to six, but that's another long story, which I will need to keep to myself for the next year or so, to protect the names of the innocent). Anyway, all the Missionaries who have lived here know for certain I am a strong Concervative and do not keep my light under the bushel. Yesterday, after spending the most wonderful day with friends at the Temple and visiting a dear friend, who is very ill, I came home to a horrific scene, which made me very annoyed. More like furious. Someone had taken down my McCain & Palin sign along with my other signs encouraging others to vote for the conservative ticket and replaced it with the Socialist candidate sign. I parked the car in the garage, walked very purposely to that "other" sign and tried to rip it out of the ground. It wouldn't come out of the ground, so took off the plastic sign and uprooted the metal stand. I found the name of the person, who owned the sign in the past and stalked into the house. Three Elders were standing in the kitchen starting dinner. I didn't even say "hello", but started to go to the telephone to call the past owner of the sign. From what I was told, my face was was pretty red and set to explode. Elder Rindlisbacher stpped out of the kitchen and as I passed him, he said, Sister Flitton, we have something for you. I was so set on talking to the past owner, I hardly heard him, but when he shoved some cookies in front of me and said, "WE DID IT!" On top of the cookies was a note of endearment: O = Outstanding
B = Best host
A = Always Loving
M = Mother away forom home
A = Anti-obama
Sister Flitton, Love, all three of your Missionaries, who voted for John McCain.
We love all you do. Elder Brown Elder Rinlisbacher Elder Porter

Of course we all laughed so hard, it took us at least ten minutes to stop. Elder Rindlesbacher told us that he had been thinking up this prank for two weeks. But when I walked in with such an angry look on my face, Elder Brown became afraid. What a great bunch of Elders. I love them and hope we can meet again after they all leave and I am so old that I can't have them in my home any longer. I really admire these young men, who spend two years of their lives doing the work of the Lord. Elders R and B are zone leaders and they have had the most confusing three weeks hey have ever had. They have such responsibilites as no other young man their age who is not a zone leader. May God bless them for many years to come.

Now for those who read this stuff, who are loving to do blogging, you haven't convinced me yet
to post daily, weekly, or monthly, or even bi-monthly. I wish you well in your endeavers to keep life happy and fun. As for me and my blog, it saves me from writing my journal. AND for you who know how to put pictures into your blog, know that you are an elect people. I love you.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

I'm Ba-a-ack

Have you ever just looked at a blank screen? That's what I'm doing just now. Waiting for inspiration. Looking back on this day, Saturday, the 5th of April, I HAVE had a tremendous
day. I left the house for an hour and dressed in Sunday clothes ( and that means nylons Yuck!!!!)
Went to the first hour of General Conference, came home, changed my clothes, and haven't left.
But in that time, I watched the rest of Conference. Now the exciting things happened.
Our son, Mark, called from Afghanistan and we talked for 40 or so minutes. Had to give him the bad news that Dave, his older brother, would not be going to Afghanistan next month. Both Mark and Dave were looking forward to being with each other, even if for a short time. They are not able to see each other very often and they both were looking forward to this meeting. Well, as you can tell, they are in the Armed Forces, the Army. Dave in the Utah National Guard, as a
non-com and Mark in the Army Active Reserve, as a commisioned officer.

These boys of our's have been playing Army since they were 5 and 4, respectively. When their dad was in VietNam, they had received a child-sized military uniform, which they hardly took off, which was at night. The uniforms would be washed that night and they would put them on again the next day. This went on for nine months. Dave would crawl on the ground, looking for "the enemy", while Mark, with outstretched arms would fly over Dave shooting "the enemy" just ahead of him. Dave tried to entice Mark to crawl on the ground with him, but Mark wanted to be a pilot (he really didn't want to get dirty!). Many years later, Dave no longer has to crawl on the ground; Mark isn't in the Air Force. But, Mark does have an airplane and he still loves to fly. The other great thing happening today was being able to talk to Dave. He had just returned home from teaching fellows in the Army. Dave is now teaching for the National Guard. Maybe in the future, after Mark retires from the Army, he, too, may be a teacher, but in the public school system. Our number three son, Lawrence, is a very successful businessman and ski instructor during the winter. If their dad was alive today, I am certain he would be very pleased with his sons, I know I am.

General Conference was quite exciting, as we were able to observe a very sacred occurance, which has happened only 16 times since the Church has been organized. We watched the acceptance and sustaining of a new Prophet and an Apostle. How thrilling it was to watch the Lord's Church follow the council of the Lord in the transfering of one Prophet, who had died, to another.
I know that Pres. Thomas S. Monson is truly called of God to lead the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter-day Saints, in these last days, just as Peter lead the Church of Jesus Christ in the meridian of time. I' m sure that tomorrow will be another good day, as I will attend the 2nd day of General Confrence.

Well, that's all for the day.